Thursday 5 April 2012

E for Eni

E for Eni(read as long a and ni)
ஏ-E as in Everest
ணி- nee as in Knee(it is called mundru(3) suzhi (loops) na)

is a long vowel,
is the corresponding short vowel.
எலி- eli - mouse
The vowels when they occur at the start of a word are written as vowels in independent form while when they come with consonants they take the form of a vowel sign. The vowel sign for both and occur before the consonant.

For example, ke
கெ and kE(the long vowel E) is கே. Note although both vowel signs occur before the consonant they should be spelled after it. So it is ke and kE and ek and Ek. This is quite different from English. So keep this in mind. For the vowel signs for e and E are written before the consonant.

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